Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Checkpoint 1: Introductory

Welcome to Deconstructing Politics in America!

My name is Rachel Treckeme, and I am a 17-year-old senior living just outside of San Fransico. I attend Summit Shasta highschool. My school has given a chance for every senior to create there own blog and speak of there political beliefs.

I grew up with a Democratic mother and a Republican father. After a split between my parents, my dad moved farther and left me spending more time with my Democratic mother. As well, my relatives and all family friends growing up were Democrats. Simply to say, I have been influenced since a young age with Democratic morals.

Growing up with solid morals and not previously labeling myself either Democratic or Republican, a political ideology test gave me a label. Leading up to this test I started to become more active in politics and attending San Fransico marches along the lines of equal human rights. This test asked a series of questions that either was leaning towards Democratic or Republican -
and nothing in between. My final result was not surprising, Solid Liberal. The website emphasized the views optimistic about future and change, good diplomacy rather than strength and social safety net.

I look forward to expressing my ideas on this platform!


  1. Awesome pictures, they make the post engaging! I also like you you explained how your
    political views were influenced by your upbringing!


Checkpoint 5:

Monday, November 8th, 2017 Checkpoint 5: Elections Welcome to deconstructing politics in America! I believe elections can and...