Monday, November 13, 2017

Checkpoint 5:

Monday, November 8th, 2017

Checkpoint 5: Elections

Welcome to deconstructing politics in America!

Image result for democratic vs republican priorities

I believe elections can and cannot influence an individual's decision. If an individual typically does not label themselves as either Democrat or Republican, elections can influence them. It is all up to the individual's personal priorities for the country, and what these politicians plan to do. This has been seen in the presidential election of 2016. For example, many family friends I know, do label themselves as Democrats, however, a large priority for them within America was combatting out of the country terrorist attack, which is what Donald Trump largely advertised in fixing if he was elected president. For individuals whose priorities with always align with the priorities of either Democrats or Republicans, elections are not a large influencer for them, because they are so sure of their party's priorities for the country.

For my final blog post, I have decided to compare the two Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. I chose both of my artifacts to be "in favor" videos of each of these candidates.

The video in favor of Hillary Clinton is -

From the first watch, it is clear to see that Hillary plays on her candidate's weaknesses instead of her positives. The majority of the video is very unprofessional comments made by Donald Trump about certain minorities, women and disabled. This brings a large strength to Hillary's campaign I believe, especially how this is focused on children of all colors watching him say these words on the television. Every single voter becomes sensitive when children are involved in an election. She is purposely making them involved to create emotional negative feelings towards the audience. Many start to question; what example am I setting for my children if I vote for him? I believe this campaign technique is very smart and effective and made at least some voters think twice about everything they represent when they vote for Donald Trump. This campaign was as well essential in the final days of the election between Hilliary Clinton and Donald Trump.

The video in favor of Bernie Sanders is -

This video is more mainly focused on what Bernie Sanders will do, instead of the negativity against the opposing opponent. In my opinion, I believe this is a more professional way to approach the audience. The entire video is focused on racial discrimination and police brutality. It shows an African American family, whose grandfather was murdered on the streets. The video specifically shows how he "could not breathe" as police wrapped around there neck around him. It then goes to focus on family, which brings in an emotional value to the public as well. It then moves on to different segments of Bernie Sanders going up against the criminal justice system within his rallies. I believe this campaign ad is extremely effective mainly for minorities of color because they feel that they have a potential president who will do something about the race issue in America. This timing was perfect within the couple weeks of the Democratic potential president, also as more videos have surfaced the internet of police brutality.

Thank you.

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Checkpoint 5:

Monday, November 8th, 2017 Checkpoint 5: Elections Welcome to deconstructing politics in America! I believe elections can and...