Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Checkpoint 4: Media

Monday, November 6th, 2017

Checkpoint 4: Media

Welcome to deconstructing politics in America!

The current event I decided to choose was terrorism. I chose this topic because there recently has been a lot of acts of terrorism that I would like to learn more about. Also, liberals and conversations have very strong opposite opinions on this issue. This lead to why I chose one news site that is liberal based and one site that is conservative based.  

My first news source is CNN, a liberal new site. This article compares different types of current violent acts in America. Specifically, it compares the Texas shooting and the New York attack. This source claim that race is a large factor in how the public and government decides what is a terrorist attack and what is not. This article was influenced by the controversial race issue in America. Recently on the liberal side, there has been a lot of focus on the race issue, and this article addresses it even farther. I believe this is credible because it does examples as evidence and reasoning towards why race factors into the unfairness of the definition of terrorism. They give specific definitions towards what terrorism actually means, and how it should apply to all kinds of violence. This source is very much bias because it is liberal. The article leaves outgoing in depth with the conservative side of this argument and specifically saying that this is because of race. This article uses symbolism, as this issue of unfairly labeling some issues as terrorism and some not, as a symbol for how the root of this issue is race. I find this argument very convincing. It compares different acts of violence with another, talks of the motivation for this, and how many people were affected. After this, it talks about how both of these violent acts follow the same motivations and a close number of how many people were effective. This shows how both acts of violence specifically fit the definition of terrorism. Then it questions why only one act (performed by a man of color), was labeled as terrorism, but not the white man. This shows a huge double standard. As well their argument is even more convincing because it talks of how for something to be an act of terrorism, it does not need to be from another country, as many think.

My second news source is Fox News, a conservative new site. This gives a summary of the NYC terrorist attack. He talks about how he was in relation to Isis and chose Halloween because he knew more people would be on the street. This new site talks of the pedestrians killed during this attack. This source is influenced by the main focus on Donald Trump's campaign; terrorism. He focuses on how important this issue is combat, so it makes sense that the Republican party is covering this issue.  I think this article is relevant and credible because it deals with a current terrorist attack. They do provide evidence from the conclusion of the attack. The point of the view is obviously to report about the issue, but also make clear how he is largely connected to Isis. He used the rhetorical device of pathos, to have the audience feel a sense of emotional connection to the families of the pedestrians who died. I do find it convincing about the negative with this attack, because of how the terrorist was so proud of what he did and that he was connected with Isis. It definitely raises concern.

I believe the media can highly influence a voters choice on whether to vote Democrat or Republican. The media covers issues that they believe is a big concern to the public, especially when it affects them. For example, the Democrat media covered many issues about social injustice and specifically made them seem a huge concern to the public. They gave examples of specific rights that possibly could be taken away if Donald Trump was president. For the Republican media, they focused a lot on terrorist attacks, in attempt show the public that voting for Donald Trump, will help reduce the possibility of more attacks. The media focuses on issues that specifically will affect the public and makes them very apparent, to persuade the voters.

I look forward to expressing my ideas on this platform!

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